Our product mix encompasses tropical fruit juices, drink concentrates and related preserves as well as various spices, coffee, chocolate and food condiment sauces.
Although Dominica is small in size we are blessed with a wonderfully fertile volcanic soil and sunny tropical climate where everything grows in profusion.
In fact, Dominica is so beautifully pristine and mountainous we are known as the “Nature Island of the Caribbean!”
From this organic ‘Garden of Eden’ environment we choose only the choicest selections from nature’s bounty to ensure all BELLO products are among the finest of their kind in the world!
P.W. Bellot & Co. Ltd. Is proud to have benefited recently from funding provided by the 10th EDF Regional Private Sector Development Progamme Direct Assistant Grant Scheme. The funds received was in aid of the upgrade of food lab capabalities and testing of the highest standard. We appreciate the collaboration with the Caribbean Export Development Agency for the continued support through the citizens of the EU.